Topological and nonreciprocal dynamics in optomechanics


报告题目Topological and nonreciprocal dynamics in optomechanics
报告人徐海潭 研究员
报告时间2021-04-28 (周三) 10:00

报告摘要:Non-Hermitian systems exhibit rich physical phenomena that open the door to qualitatively new forms of control. Here I will introduce our recent works on topological and nonreciprocal dynamics in non-Hermitian optomechanical systems. Specifically, we realized topological energy transfer by adiabatically encircling an exceptional point. We also demonstrated that this energy transfer is non-reciprocal: a certain topological operation can only transfer energy in one direction. Furthermore, we realized stable nonreciprocal coupling between phonon modes with optomechanical interference. We achieved phonon isolation which can be tuned continuously over a wide range from -30dB to 30dB. We showed the nonreciprocal phonon transfer as a new way to control the thermal fluctuation of phonon modes by controlling laser phases.
报告人简介:徐海潭研究员主要研究拓扑量子光力学、量子计算和精密测量等前沿物理问题和应用,多项成果发表于Nature、Nature Physics、Nature Communications、PRL等学术期刊上。代表性成果包括: 在光力学系统中观测到了具有非平凡拓扑结构的能谱奇异点并且首次实现了拓扑能量传递;首次实现了非互易的光力学声子传递以及光力学弯曲相变;结合量子和拓扑物理,提出了多种设计和算法来构造拓扑量子门,并且提出了一个统一的拓扑量子比特和量子门的构造框架,用于拓扑量子计算,特别是构造出了首个普适受控三比特拓扑量子门。徐海潭本科和硕士毕业于浙江大学,博士毕业于美国马里兰大学,并先后在耶鲁大学和哈佛大学做博士后研究工作。回国后任北京大学物理学院研究员,现为南方科技大学量子院研究员。

