Interstellar in a Quantum Simulator


报告题目Interstellar in a Quantum Simulator
报告人翟荟 教授
报告时间2021-04-30 (周五) 10:00

报告摘要:In this talk, I will review several different experiments on quench dynamics of random spin models in different cold atom and NV center systems. In these experiments, two distinct and universal phenomena are observed. We point out that a unified understanding of these two phenomena emerges naturally in a holographic theory where these spin models are connected to a gravity theory with a traversable wormhole. We also show the prediction of this theory that can be verified in future experiments. This work shows an example of the frontier of physics research at the interdisciplinary of quantum matter, quantum information, and quantum gravity.
报告人简介:翟荟,清华大学高等研究院教授。2002年本科毕业清华大学物理系首届基础科学班,2004年底在清华大学高等研究院获得博士学位后,先后在美国俄亥俄州立大学和加州大学伯克利分校从事博士后研究。2009年起回清华大学高等研究院工作至今。主要从事冷原子、凝聚态等量子物质的理论研究,也涉及量子物质和量子信息、引力理论、机器学习等方向的交叉研究。已发表论文百余篇,其中在Science、Nat. Phys.、PRX、PRL等期刊发表论文40篇,十多项理论预言被国内外实验组证实。论文引用5700余次,十多篇论文入选ESI高被引论文,2019年入选Web of Science高被引学者。所著教材《Ultracold Atomic Physics》在剑桥出版社出版。获得国家自然科学基金委杰出青年基金支持,入选教育部长江学者、科技创新领军人才,荣获中国物理学会饶毓泰奖等荣誉。

