Quantum Enhanced Precision Measurement


报告题目Quantum Enhanced Precision Measurement
报告人尤力 教授
报告时间2021-06-11 (周五) 10:00

报告摘要:In addition to providing support for standards and units, precision measurement erects limits for established laws and theories governing the nature. Statistical inference of a parameter from measurements on an ensemble of independent particles is lower bounded by the classical precision limit or the standard quantum limit (SQL). A number of quantum enhanced measurement paradigms are introduced, and illustrative experiments carried out with Bose-Einstein condensed atoms. Deterministically generated entangled atomic ensembles are applied in linear interferometry with reduced quantum noise, time reversed quantum interactions are engineered for nonlinear interferometry to amplify signal, both demonstrating precisions beyond SQL.
Li You,
BS, Nanjing University, 1987
PhD, University of Colorado, 1993
Postdoc, Harvard-Smithsonian CFA, 1993-1996
Professor, Georgia Tech, 1996-2010
Cheung Kong Chair Professor, Tsinghua University 2005-2008
Professor, Tsinghua University 2009-present

ONR YIP Award(1997-2000),
NSF Career Award(1997-2002)
Fellow,American Physical Society,2007
First award in the "2013 Awards for Essays on Gravitation", by the GRAVITY RESEARCH FOUNDATION

