Borromean quantum droplet in ultracold boson mixtures


报告题目Borromean quantum droplet in ultracold boson mixtures
报告人崔晓玲 研究员
报告时间2021-04-16 (周五) 10:00

报告摘要:We propose the realization of Borromean binding in the many-body world, namely, the 'Borromean droplet' where only ternary(three-component) bosons can form a self-bound droplet while any binary(two-component) subsystems cannot. Its formation is facilitated by an additional attractive force induced by the density fluctuation of a third component, together with the repulsive force from Lee-Huang-Yang quantum fluctuations. Outside the Borromean regime, the ternary and binary droplets can coexist in the form of phase separation in spatial space, manifested by double plateaus in the density profile. The results show that the droplet formation in multi-component system displays much richer physics than that in the binary case.
报告人简介:中国科学院物理研究所研究员,博士生导师。2005年山东大学本科毕业,2010年中科院物理所获博士学位,2010-2013清华大学高等研究院副研究员,2013年加入中科院物理所。国家自然科学基金委优秀青年(2016),国家重点研发计划青年项目首席(2018)。从事超冷原子理论研究,包括量子少体问题,少体到多体渡越物理,低维体系强关联特性等。发表论文60余篇,h-index 21。

