报告题目 | Microwave-shielded polar molecules: from ultracold chemistry to quantum matter |
报告人 | 罗鑫宇 博士 |
报告人单位 | Max-Planck-Institute for Quantum Optics |
报告时间 | 2023-11-30 (周四) 10:00 |
报告地点 | 上海研究院4号楼329报告厅(合肥物质楼B1102同步视频) |
主办单位 | 中国科学院量子信息与量子科技创新研究院 |
报告介绍 | 报告摘要:Stable molecular Fermi gases with strong dipolar interactions provide unique opportunities for studying exotic quantum matter such as p-wave superfluidity and extended Fermi-Hubbard models. I will first show our endeavors in understanding and controlling collisions of ultracold molecules, which eventually allow us to stabilize the molecular gas by microwave shielding. This technique enables the evaporation of polar molecules to temperatures well below the Fermi temperature. The intermolecular potential can be flexibly tuned by the microwave field, allowing us to observe field-linked resonances in collisions of polar molecules. It provides a universal tuning knob to independently control the dipolar interaction and contact interaction. In the end, I will present the creation of ultracold fieldlinked tetratomic molecules by electroassociation in a degenerate Fermi gas of microwaveshielded polar molecules. Additionally, I will discuss several exciting new possibilities associated with these field-linked molecules. |